Speaking of female characteristics that threaten a man's sense of himself: this is the ultimate no-no. Most men like to wear the britches and to be the one bringing home the bacon. That's the way we've evolved down through the millennia (assuming you're not a creationist!!). As far as some men are concerned, for a female partner to make more money or weld more power, the 2 of you may as well go in for a genital swap operation! If a woman is a successful boss in the workplace, you can be guaranteed she'll try and boss the guy around the house!
Sunday, 11 March 2007
Man's interest in a woman's power
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Man's interest in a woman's intelligence
No one likes a dumbo, but the average man would probably prefer one to an intelligent woman. Anything about a woman that threatens his masculinity is bad. Superior intelligence is definitely one of these things. A man would probably prefer a woman of average intelligence, assuming, of course, that he was of above average intelligence himself!!
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Woman's interest in a man's intelligence
Generally speaking, women like intelligent men.....up to a point. If a man is too intelligent for his own good and has the usual accompanying deficiency in social skills, then he may as well have 2 heads. Women don't like geeks, full stop (period).
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Man's interest in a woman's breast size
Men are generally much shallower than women, so the most important female characteristic is often a physical feature, such as face, legs, arse or even shoulders! However, the queen of all female body parts as far as us Neanderthals are concerned are the breasts of course! Although the odd guy might like smaller ones, usually the bigger the better!!
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Woman's interest in a man's power/money
It is generally true that women are attracted to men of money and/or power. This is fair enough as a rich/powerful man will provide for her and her brood. Of course there are women who care for neither, just as there are women who doll themselves up and head out to snare a rich man in a swanky club.
In essence, it is a trade of sexual allure for money (now why does that sound familiar?!). The woman gets her financial security and the man gets another trophy to display. It is debatable whether the homes, the servants, the expense account, the jewels, the private jets and the yachts can make up for the ugly personality and/or body that often accompanies such men. However, there are plenty of women willing to find out!
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Man's interest in a woman over time
Building on the post on how to tell if a man is interested in a woman, this graph charts the interest a typical man has in a woman that he actually has started dating.
In the pre-sex phase (A), the man's interest increases at a rapid rate. This phase is characterised by the male attempting to reach the post-sex stage (B) as quickly as possible. This usually involves some combination of compliments, expensive dinners, alcohol, flowers, chocolates, perfume, lingerie etc. Simultaneously, the female will try to prevent entry to phase B for a period proportional to her virtue. This is because, as the graph shows, once the threshold has been crossed, male interest generally flattens out at best. Phase B shows 3 possible scenarios:
(1) The Mills & Boone scenario - the man's interest continues to increase onward to white picket fences and the 2.4 children. Oh for an ideal world!
(3) The player scenario - the cad, the bounder. This is the man who is only after one thing and scarpers after the deed is done to go back to phase A with a new victim. It's the thrill of the chase here and no doubt he is dashing and knows all the right buttons to press.
(2) The most likely - somewhere in between the other 2 scenarios. Obviously, the idea here is for the line in phase B to slope slightly positively (upwards) or be flat at worst. Unfortunately, with many relationships this days, the line slopes negatively (however slightly) and inexorably towards apathy, separation, divorce or worse.
Of course, guys are often not allowed to reach phase B. Preventing access can be used by women to sort the wheat from the chaff, the real McCoy from the heartless womaniser. The ultimate carrot can also be used to keep the man on the hook past the point when he starts to truly care for her, thereby increasing the chances of a successful long term relationship. Of course this is a dangerous gambit; the man may give up and pursue a less challenging assignment!
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Labels: Relationships
How to tell if a man is interested in a woman
I ∝H
∝=proportional to
I= his interest in you.
H=how much he hangs around
Yes, the more a man is interested, the more he will hang around you, trying to "get in there"! It really couldn't be simpler! Women get this simple rule wrong by forgetting the cardinal rule. In this case, women think that a guy is hanging around for any reason that they might hang around a new friend (e.g. for the conversation, shared love of Morris dancing etc.). About 90% of available guys will hang around a new female friend because they want to get jiggy with her. The remaining 10% of guys are mostly gay, but there is the odd one that will want to actually be your friend. As our American cousins say, you do the math, ladies!
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Labels: Gender Differences
The Cardinal Rule
WTm ‡ WTw
WTm = man's way of thinking
WTw= woman's way of thinking
Yes, shock, horror - women and men think differently! This may seem obvious, but it's amazing the problems that are caused when this simple rule is forgotten. For example, when a guy meets a woman and they get on well initially, chances are that the woman thinks that this is an interesting, stimulating conversion with an intellectual equal. Meanwhile, the man would usually be thinking about how he can get her naked!
If only I had a Euro for every time a woman has told me that she could not figure out what's going on in the mind of her beau, especially in the early days of a romance*! Mind you, us guys are also easily flummoxed by the object of our affections for exactly the same reason. We tend to try to impose our way of thinking on our amour, rather than trying to think like they do. It is easier said than done; many women refuse to believe men think like the Neanderthals we basically are and most men don't realise that women don't think in the same base terms as themselves. However, to have any hope of figuring the other half out, think like them you must!
*The basic rule in this scenario is if he's interested, he'll hang around/call. If he isn't, he won't!
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