Friday 1 June 2007

Sexual lifespan - male

Pseudoscience of love - Sexual lifespan(male)Men are reputed to reach their sexual peak at 18. What a waste this is for most men! Your period of maximum sexual potency is marked by the least action and the least control. You're lucky if you can find your ass with both hands at that age, never mind someone else's!! After 18, as the graph above shows, it's a long (hopefully) steady decline into eventual impotency. When you're at your peak, you're like an unstable nuclear bomb - ready to explode at any instant. As you get older, you're more of a nuclear reactor - you learn to control things better, at the expense of some yield!

Viagra, however, has turned the nuclear reactor into Chernobyl! It can return relatively young guys to the good old days and keep them there until even the most voracious nymphomaniac is satisfied. Where once it was time for the older men to start thinking about hanging up the stirrups at about 60, guys can stay in the saddle now into their 80s with that magic blue pill! Octogenarians have no reason to fret any more. Now you can be a dirty old man for much longer. Hooray!! Or, alternatively, you too can live in pyjamas and be surrounded by adoring blonde bimbos. Just don't forget the getting rich part too or you might find it a little tough to live that dream!

Am I the first person to use nuclear physics metaphors to describe this? Who said that physics degree was a waste of time?!!

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