Monday 21 May 2007

It's good to talk....

Pseudoscience of love - women talk more than men
...up to a bloody point!!!!

Everyone knows women are better communicators than men, probably for evolutionary reasons (or because God made them that way, if you are a Creationist!). In any event, there are numerous studies out there which, while disagreeing on the actual average number of words said per day by each of the sexes, all pretty much agree that the women speak almost 3 times as much as men. This is depicted in the chart above, with the woman's number of words normalised to 100%.

Some of you guys out there might be surprised that this ratio is only approximately 3:1 and not nearer 10:1. Unfortunately, this is an average number and you may have been very unlucky! This large discrepancy is probably the cause of a lot of matrimonial discord. When a man comes home from work (assuming he is not a kept man!), he has pretty much shot his bolt when it comes to talking. While he may have reached his daily quota, his partner will only be revving up for a talkfest that goes on and on and on!

You can only feign interest for so long. Pretty soon you'll be in "we never talk anymore (like we used to)" or "all you want to do every night is sit down in front of that damn box" territory. It's only a short hop from there to separate bedrooms and then separate lives!


Aidan said...

This title is from the BT (British Telecom) adds in the UK, where, as I recall, this catchphrase was delivered by the actor, Bob Hoskins.

Aidan said...

More recent research has claimed that men and women talk roughly the same amount.

This is despite millennia of empirical evidence to the contrary!