Friday 11 May 2007

How a nice guy can increase his chances

Pseudoscience of Love - How a nice guy can increase his chancesFollowing on from the posts on nice guys and pub/club dating, what's a nice guy to do if he wants some success out chasing women in the more traditional environments? Nice guys like going out to pubs, night clubs, bowling alleys etc too. It's just that occasionally they would like a bit of success. Like the bad golfer who hits only one good shot a round, it would be enough encouragement to persevere!

As I see it, there are 4 options:
  1. Use Dutch courage to get into "the zone".
  2. Develop gonads of steel. Having a neck like Lester Piggott's nether regions is definitely an advantage. If you drink, you can use option 1 to develop the requisite brass neck. If sober, this is not easy to achieve without extensive hypnosis/NLP/therapy!
  3. Dress effectively to attract attention from the fairer sex.
  4. Use a 'wing commander'.
Obviously, combining all four options should maximise the chances of success. The graph above shows the effect of each individual option on the nice guy’s chances of success. Left to himself, the sober nice guy has little chance. However, getting into the zone or developing the brass neck increases his chances significantly.

However, for the non-drinking (or drinking) man with an inherent fear or rejection, the wing commander is his best hope. If you can't approach women yourself, then it is vital that you have a friend/colleague/ acquaintance that can. This guy is known as the wing commander’ and as the name suggests, he is the brave, selfless warrior that leads the squadron of ‘wing men’ into ‘battle’. You just point him towards a group of women and let him do his thing. If you don’t have a friend that fits the bill, hell, I'd even consider paying a guy to do it! It is only fair that the wing commander gets first choice from the target group, but as a wing man you can swoop in on his shoulder once he has done the hard work of breaking the ice. Any member of the group apart from the target of the wing commander is fair game. This allows a wingman to blossom where normally he would wilt. Of course, he can still crash and burn, but at least he got off the tarmac! The day my wing commander met his dream woman was a dark day indeed....for me! Some guys are just so selfish!!!

This group activity also has the pleasant side effect of strengthening the bond of friendship in the squadron. Such missions provides many sessions of happy reminiscing for years to come, often when some members have long since parked their jets on the runway, to stretch the metaphor to breaking point!

1 comment:

Aidan said...

I added dress effectively to the list after I came up with it, a long time after this post was originally written!