Sunday 20 May 2007

The loneliness of the long distance lover!

Pseudoscience of love - Long distance romances are more difficultGod knows, a relationship is hard enough at the best of times when the amorous couple live in close proximity. Living near to each other allows a relationship to develop naturally and relatively smoothly over time.

However, add distance into the mix and the dynamics alter considerably. If it is a new romance, the "getting to know you" phase must be compressed into a short time frame every weekend (at best). More worryingly, each party only has to be on their best behaviour for a much shorter limited time period. This makes it easier to hide character flaws until perhaps it is too late. A relationship that develops into a long distance one is slightly different. A bond has already developed between the individuals and compromises more easily endured. However, in this case, being away from someone you really care about is very tough. Distance will put a strain on any relationship and eventually someone will have to bite the bullet. If you or your partner do not move lock, stock and barrel, the chances of a successful outcome are slim.

It's not all bad however. Sometimes it's an advantage to have the weekdays to yourself. It allows you to focus on the project in hand (e.g. a thesis, new business venture etc.) while giving you something to look forward to at the weekend.

I think most people would try a long distance romance once, but maybe not twice!

1 comment:

Aidan said...

The title is a reference to the book/film "The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner".